Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's cold

It's cold. I hate the cold. I wish it was always warm. I also hate taking photos of myself. And I hate smiling.

Jacket- H&M// Dress- H&M// Sweater- Campus book store// Belt- Ardenes// Tights- ??// Boots- H&M

It's cold out. I have a distaste for cold despite growing up in a city where there is a lot of snow. I also hate snow. Snow is nice for about one day a year, but then you're stuck the rest of winter trudging around in snow boots while constantly chilled and wet. 

I started climbing/exercising, and that actually feels good. I am glad I've started again because it was really starting to bother me about how inactive I am. 

I think I managed to slightly offend one blogger. That sounds like me. I lack a filter in my brain, and I suppose that probably contributes to peoples' opinions that I have some sort of developmental disorder. I don't, but for some reason, lots of people think I have one.

I am now going to veg out on the couch while I drink pineapple juice wrapped up in a blanket watching 30 Rock.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your feedback! It means so much to me! <3