Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reading Week!

Hello everyone!

It's currently reading week, it's so nice to have a little bit of a break from school.

Dress- H&M// Cardigan- American Apparel// Boots- H&M// Tights- School// Belt- Borrowed from father

In case you can't tell, my belt has whales on it! And I stole it from my father. I'm pretty sure he has no use for a whale belt any ways. 

Also, I am ginger again and all is right with the universe. I severely missed being ginger, which is the only colour I dye my hair. I did dye it dark brown with temporary dye for Halloween once. It was nice until the novelty wore off and I realized the dye had stained my hair. Being a red head just suits me more. 

I went back to my hometown for a few days. That was nice because I saw one of my closest friends and we watched Firefly and cuddled. I also may have made her watch Community and Doctor Who.

Speaking of Doctor Who...
When I  was taking these photos, I swore I heard the TARDIS. Seriously though, why do I keep hearing the TARDIS? It's not the only time and I am not the only one who's heard it before. I might have to start tracing the source... 

Speaking of Community...
New episodes soon! March 15th! I am so excited. I watch a lot of television and Community is one of the best shows on the air, except they pulled it off air for a bit. It was really depressing and I prepared myself of possible cancellation by searching for a new comedy to warm my heart. I began 30 Rock, which is not as good as Community. I've only laughed aloud about one time when watching 30 Rock. Not a good sign. It's really hard to find a good comedy, or a good television show for that matter. Maybe U should post a list of my favourite TV shows, though it'll probably be a very cliched list. 

I've also realized that I often forget to push up my glasses just about all the time. Not only is it hard to see my eyes, but my glasses are also crooked. I broke my nose a year and a bit back, and since then, my glasses never sit straight. 

I'm back home though, in my little student house doing little student things.

Have a good reading week everyone!


  1. I could surely use a week off from school! Sounds so relaxing, just to sit down with a few books for a week :)

    I really love this outfit, a whale belt sounds like an amazing thing! Also that dress is so pretty!


    P.S. I'm 5'10 :)

  2. Hey, not sure why you asked me to describe my body type on my blog. I guess I would describe myself as skinny I suppose. I've lost weight since I've moved to England and I'm pretty self-conscious about that and trying to gain it back. Why?


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