Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sorry for the absense.

I've moved into my new place for about two weeks so I can get things settled before camp and study for my deferred exams. Though I was a bit nervous at first, my roommates are super nice. They're sweet and awesome and just plain cool.

I like spending time with them and it appears to be the same way around. I'm glad I chose to live with them.

To prove they are such sweethearts, I present this as proof.

This is the sign they left on the cute little chalkboard by the door. I haven't been doing much in the way of outfits because it's been really hot yesterday. I don't think people understand how it can be so hot in Canada. I know a lot of people are like, snow and moose and blah, but down here in Southern Ontario, the summers are really really hot. It's not necessarily the temperature, but the humidity that makes it so. It's really freaking humid here, so when it gets to about 27 degrees, it's really like 35 degrees. And it can be pretty unbearable. A lot of older houses don't have air conditioning, and it's expensive to keep running.

I'll be gone for the weekend as well, so I probably won't be posting anything outfit related unless you want to see me wearing sweatpants and rocking climbing on plastic rocks.
On second thought. 
Old picture is old, but...
Aren't I muscular and oh my gosh awesome?

1 comment:

  1. Hi lovely,
    I hope you had a great weekend:)
    Thank you for stopping by!
    Maybe there were some problems with Google Friend Connect and you are not among my followers:(
    When you have time, try to add you again:)
    Have a good start of week
    See you soon


Thank you so much for your feedback! It means so much to me! <3