Monday, June 6, 2011

Wolverine in a petticoat.

Poor Georgie was spayed today. She should have a cone on her head when she returns.
It also appears our elderly neighbours have taken in their grandson. We chatted after I was done taking my photos. Shame I'm going to Hamilton tomorrow and then to camp. 

So yeah, pretty much I saw X-Men: First Class last night. 
And I know what you're thinking. That is has to be terrible, there's no way it can be half decent after X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins.
I'll admit, I'm known for liking pretty awful things. Awful in a good way, if that's possible?
But this film was actually very good. I suck at describing movies, but the story was coherent and it really gives you a sense of the characters and how they became who they are. Like Magneto, I feel for him. And Professor X. And their whole little relationship. So, if you like X-Men, though I'm not like a super X-Men fan. I've only seen the movies and the cartoons. They only X-Men comic I've read is the first run of Astonishing X-Men. This is where my purple dragon comes in. I fell in love with Lockheed and want a freaking purple dragon.

So, pretty much, I wanted to through in my love of X-Men into my outfit. And it's actually pretty hard if, you know, don't want to end up looking like Wolverine here. 

Dress- DLR
Tank top- Winners
Tights- Primark
Shoes- Stoneridge
Sunnies- DLR

Georgie's back. She's super depressed and does not like her cone. 

I also hate sunlight. I think my medication causes sensitivity to the sun. Or maybe that was the other one.
Either way. I hate the sun.
And on that topic, I'm really getting sick of bloggers taking pictures with the sun behind them. The glare sucks, okay. And it makes it hard to see what you're wearing. All in all, it's annoying. Sure it's great not to look at the  sun while photographing yourself, but then I have to look at it.

On a second note, the soundtrack for X-Men: First Class is exquisite. Please go get yourself a copy. 

And thank you to everyone who's been leaving lovely comments! It makes me really happy. 


  1. i'm so excited for the new xmen movie. the last two were pretty bad. i'm also pissed that daran aranofsky wont direct wolverine 2. that would've been incredible!
    i know what u mean, on true blood u can only be team eric. hes so dreamy.

    Ellie XO

  2. "And on that topic, I'm really getting sick of bloggers taking pictures with the sun behind them. The glare sucks, okay. And it makes it hard to see what you're wearing. All in all, it's annoying."

    I laughed until my stomach muscles started cramping when I read this! You have such a way with words, Bridget. Maybe that's your mutant super power? I'm afraid my mutant super [[annoying]] power is that I just can't stop taking photos with the sun behind me... I seriously hate my outfit photos if the sunlight isn't so bright it's impossible to tell what clothes I have on! Please forgive me!

    I'm probably not going to watch the new X-Men movie. Not even my love for Betty Draper can convince me. I'd rather hang out at your blog instead.


Thank you so much for your feedback! It means so much to me! <3