Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else

Usually I think my life is going pretty crazy when I start comparing it to Fight Club.
There are just some things about living in this town that I can't handle, such as a the homogeneity. Everything is the same. I go to take pictures, and all there is are plants. Everyone has a manicured lawn and a cutesy little garden. Every house looks identical and unoffensive.

I miss school. I miss the buildings that have their shingles falling off. With grass that's never cut, hedges never trimmed. Weeds growing everywhere. Pretty much everything in a state of disaster. Every house is different. They're all war homes compared to newly built suburban developments.

So, as I go crazy, I remember Fight Club. Where here you are your clothes, your house, your car.
The things you own end up owning you.
And then I get this built up rage, and I just want to destroy something. I want a punch a hole in the wall, tear apart something.

So, yes, instead of giving into my destructive urges, I went on a walk and tried to take pictures. There's not much  to take pictures of, unless you like plants or nature or something. I went to a park. It had a path, it was a lot like an outdoor treadmill. You feel like you're going somewhere, but the scenery never changes and you're really still in the same spot.

Dress- H&M
Sweater- Primark
Tights- ???
Shoes- Mudd
Sunnies- Ralph by Ralph Lauren from Holt Renfrew

Style inspiration from Marla Singer. I spent the whole night up reading Fight Club. There are so many different things from the last time I read it. Also first time of sitting down outfit posts!

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