Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Neapolitan Ice Cream

I really want to go back to Hamilton to be away from my awful siblings. We always fight and it sucks. Plus my one sister has this strange idea that the only work there is is paid work.

Curse you old parents having so many children close together.

Top- Thrifted
Pink dress (worn as skirt)- H&M
White skirt- Suzy Shier
Socks- American Apparel
Belt- American Eagle
Shoes- Coolway

I kind of feel like Neapolitan ice cream. Except I've replaced grey with chocolate. Never did like chocolate ice cream. I also tried to put some movement into my photos. Didn't always work, but I guess I got a couple of shots. 
There's nothing like taking pictures of yourself in the backyard with a tripod and occasional doggy butt. According to my father, the composition of my photos are nice. That being said, I guess I'll go out and take some later. 
And if someone were to maim my sister, I'd be much obliged.
/cue spaghetti western music and dramatic exit. 

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