Thursday, December 15, 2011


Been really busy.
I guess I shall do a quick update.
So, I've been in school.
And at camp, and what seems like a lifetime ago, a field studies course. Now, at the moment, I am avoiding exams, and I keep meaning to get back into using this blog.
I have another, full of rotten poetry that I prefer to stay hidden, but yeah, I think, maybe later today, I'll have a nice little post about what I'm wearing.

And for all of you, BISCUIT.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for your comment! I'm sure you've been is always busy this time of year! I think that the two groups of people who have it worst this time of year are students (as they have Christmas plans and presents AND exams) and parents (since they are trying to do everything and then some for families). Regardless, have a Merry Christmas!


Thank you so much for your feedback! It means so much to me! <3