Saturday, June 18, 2011

Angry Glee Post the Second

Despite the fact I have major issues with the show, I started to watch Glee again. Though I know it infuriates me, I went against my better judgment in hopes that the show would have changed.

So, when I reached the Prom episode, I suppose I was mildly intrigued. And I watched it.

And guess what, it made me super super angry.
Pretty much the whole episode reinforced that women aren't complete without a man. Mercedes is usually portrayed as a strong character, but in this episode, she's portrayed as a whiny little annoying brat who all she wants is a man to like her and tell her she's beautiful. She says she's okay with herself, but seeking external validation isn't exactly healthy.

The same thing goes for Rachel. She's portrayed as a desperate little girl who wants nothing more than a boyfriend and to feel better about herself because boys like her.

One high point is that Artie sings to Brittany in hopes of winning her back. She refuses, stating that Artie made her feel bad about herself and she didn't want to be with someone like that. And bravo for her, but the scene is completely ruined because she just goes on to state that she's pretty much a slut. So much for women standing up for themselves. Oh, plus not to mention that there was pretty much only girls in the home ec. class. Women belong in the kitchen much?

I skipped the next episode. I found it irritating and as much as I like Sue, I just couldn't finish it.

And then the season finale came. The New Directions has headed to New York City to compete at the show choir championships. When there, Rachel discovers that living in New York is her dream, but also finds out that Finn is now interested in her again.

And then she has to choose between love or her dreams.

Does anyone else see what's wrong with this?
Can't women have successful careers and a love life?
According to Glee, apparently not.
I honestly can't believe this came up. Glee doesn't take place in the 60's, it takes place now, in the 2000's. It's perfectly okay for women to have a career and a fucking marriage.

The reason why she would want to stay in Lima, Ohio is because Finn doesn't like the big city. What I don't understand is why Finn has to be there with her when she goes away for school. Haven't they heard of long distance relationships?
I don't think Rachel should let a man hold her back. If he wasn't willing to support her dreams, than is he even worth keeping around?

Oh, and of course Quinn has to say something awful as well. All she wants is for someone to love her.
And since her parents love her and friends love her, what else could she be talking about?

Oh yeah, romantic love.
Poor little Quinny isn't complete unless she has some man to follow around.

I think I would have less problems with this show if it was set in a different time period.

And I think what makes it all worse is that many people watch this show and look up to its characters.
We've all been bullied and we see ourselves as a member of the Glee Club.
And for the younger set, all they're getting is that they need a man to make themselves feel complete. These idols they look up to are constantly looking for a man, looking for love and acceptance in someone else. Being told they should set aside their dreams for love.

Is this really something we should be looking up to?

If anyone else has some comments, please add them. 

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