Monday, May 30, 2011

AN 2011

Yes, so I returned from the con yesterday, and just let me say, I love going. It's a really excellent place to go, and I suggest everyone attend an anime convention. I don't even like anime, that much, and I have a great time. I get to see my friends, spend the weekend hanging out and experiencing things one doesn't normally experience. And I suppose, unlike a comic con, most of the people there are about 15-25. There are a few older people, but usually they're parents or people who liked anime before it became super accessible.

We pretty much grew up with anime, dubbed of course. Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Digimon, etc. And because of the internet, we can really see more. Online manga. I had a friend who would read the untranslated manga for a series she really loved. Crazy...

Anyways, here are some photos of the con. I took some pictures of people and what they were wearing. And there are tons of awful pictures of me!
My friend who I ran into. We had a ten minute hug fest where I hug her a lot for ten minutes. Today is also her birthday, and I very much love her.

I loved these pants >.>

DRAGON BACKPACK! I must get myself one...

This picture does not capture her tallness. 

NINJA WITH LOBSTER! Best thing I've even seen. I even got to touch the lobster ^_^

Snorlax needed to be breast fed.
Barney! What?! Did I mention Barney also had a pedobear mask on underneath...

Posing in the mirror of the hotel. Yes, I actually have friends...

I think I was trying to give a puppy dog face. It epic failed.

My friend and I posing with cute little gumdrop things. We are adorable!
Outfit 1:
Shirt- H&M
Sweatshirt- American Eagle
Jeans- American Eagle
Belt- Stolen from father
Shoes- Converse

Outfit 2:
Shirt- Thrifted
Shorts- Winners
Shoes- Converse

Outfit 3:
Shirt- Borrowed from friend (She got it in Japan)
Bloomers- Borrowed from friend (Also from Japan)
Wig- Borrow from friend (Ebay)
Shoes- Ardene's

We found a Jack Sparrow, but he was a girl. She was also very much in character, and that makes cosplayers so much more fun. I honestly love Anime North. It is amazing. 

And if you want to know what I did... Friday was the J-Rave. It's like a rave where the play Japanese music, but they rarely do. I dance really really badly. I should take a video and you can see how badly. It's a lot of jumping and elbows and such. Sorry if I ran into anyone/elbowed, except for the person who I did that on purpose to. I'll mention this now, I dance dirty. Not in the Dirty Dancing awful grinding sort of sense, but in the if-you-come-near-me-and-bump-into-me-or-something-I'll-kick-you sense. Unless you're a girl. I'm sure if I hit a girl in a club/when dancing, she'd hit me back. Guys don't really hit girls back. And especially at AN. If you hit a girl there, she'd either passively take it or rip your eyeballs out of your face and eat them. Some girls are epic crazy...

I also went to a panel on writing fanfiction. It was somewhat helpful. Apparently I had the wrong definition of a Marysue. I thought it was someone who got kidnapped and was whiny all the time. Apparently it's just an ultra self insertion character. And then I learnt there are tests online. And I took the Mary Sue test, and my fanfic character is not a Mary Sue! I told my parents this, and they gave me these blank looks. 

Also, attending this con made me forget that I am a bit of an internet nerd... So, to get out all those repressed internets stuff out, 9000, brushy bat, double rainbow, troll face. Alright, and I am done with the memes since there are over 9000.  I'll post some outfit pics for today later.

If you see a picture of yourself and would like it taken down, please tell me and I shall do so as quickly as I can. 


  1. I replied to ur comment on my blog. Come to see :)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

    It's so funny, but I actually went to Anime North on Saturday too! My boyfriend worked on a documentary series that screened there so I went with him, and after we walked around for quite awhile and checked it all out. What an amazing event! I was blown away. I'd never seen anything like it! The amount of creativity and work that people put into their costumes is just astounding. Looks like you had fun! Great pictures!


  3. Bridget we seriously need to do Dr.Who cosplay this year at AN...but I'm a little worried if its hot and we do Weeping have any other suggestions. Ps. I love our gumdrop picture :)

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